Tips to Help Prevent Heating Equipment Fires

Whilst our homes are getting safer with the use of smart technologies, we should never overlook the potential dangers that may be lurking – especially when it comes to electric power cords and heaters.

Wiring can be a big problem in people’s homes, namely due to the age of the wiring if you have not had it updated. When wiring was originally installed in homes over 20 years old, it was not designed to handle the capacity of appliances in an average home in 2018. When we think about all of the electrical appliances that we use – televisions, microwaves, games stations, plug chargers etc, it is safe to say that the demand upon electric is far higher. Worn connectors or outdated breaker boxes can cause the system to overload and start an electrical fire.

Faulty wiring can be the cause of an electrical fire or electric shocks, especially if the wiring is exposed, frayed or may be overheating. Make sure that you check your wiring to appliances regularly to ensure that they are in good visual condition, and if you have any concerns, disconnect the appliance and seek advice from an electrician.

Extension cords can be found in many homes, however it is how we use what can be considered to be a perfectly safe item is when they can become very dangerous. Extensions cords should always be used as a temporary measure and shouldn’t have appliances plugged directly into them over a long period of time. Talk to an electrician if you need more permanent outlets placed within your home.

Portable heaters can also pose as a serious fire hazard, mainly due to people placing these next to or on top of combustible materials. Heaters that provide heat via coils are particularly susceptible to catching fire as combustible items that come into contact with the coils can instantaneously ignite due to the temperature that the coils reach. If you are using portable heaters, always make sure that these are located away from curtains, rugs or other materials that may easily catch fire.

If you have electric panel heaters or electric storage heaters, you should have these serviced annually to ensure that they are working correctly and that their electrical connections are not damaged and in a good and safe working order. Really old electric panels or storage heaters do not have the functionalities that modern ones do, therefore it may be time to consider if updating your old electric panel or storage heaters to new, energy efficient models, which can save you money and give you the piece of mind that they are safe up to current standards.

Alternatively, have you considered upgrading your electric panels or storage heaters to a gas central heating system? By having a new energy efficient gas boiler and central heating system installed, you could save up to £560 per year.


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