Control your Home From Anywhere With Smart Lighting and Heating Controls

We all know how expensive it can be to keep our homes warm when the cold weather sets in, and even if you have already double checked that you are on the best energy tariff known to mankind, it can often feel that heating your home isn’t exactly money well spent.

You’d be surprised at just how effective adaptations to your home could prove to be, especially when we consider the effect that more efficient lighting teamed with heating controls could have in not only maintaining the temperature and lighting but also cutting our energy bills.

Smart lighting is very up and coming, with a huge number of new products being available to the mass market which can easily be installed in your home without the need for an electrician. Smart lighting kits can vary from a single light plug and wireless remote to a full house solution, therefore it leaves you the choices of how many fittings you want to change but also what size, colour and shape fits your life.

Many smart lights can be controlled via an app on your phone or tablet, so you are instantly provided with the flexibility of deciding if you want to turn your lights on or off when you’re not there or even setting timers to make it look as though you are home. Very much like manual timers that can be set to plugs, smart lights can be programmed to be on when you arrive home from work and are argued to deter potential burglars from thinking that your home is empty. This higher level of control not only makes you more energy efficient, but it can also save you money.

So now the lighting is sorted, it’s time to focus on the most energy and cost-efficient way of maintaining a lovely ambient temperature within your home. A really simple way of doing this is by having modern heating controls. Heating controls come in all shapes and sizes and many offer an array of fabulous features to allow you to really get to grips with controlling the way you heat your home.

Traditional heating controls can offer the ability to set the time when your heating comes on and goes off and also change the temperature on the thermostat, however, their functionality beyond this can be limited.

Smart heating controls can enable us to be energy efficiency masters, as many smart controls can be operated remotely from our phones or tablets, meaning we only use our heating when we actually need to – which saves you money. Many users report that their ease of use, encourages them to engage more with their heating controls, and experiment more with lower temperature settings and having their heating on for a shorter amount of time.

The popularity of smart heating controls is on the rise for obvious reasons, especially as they integrate so easily into our lives and can often learn our home heating behaviours. Want to find out more? Call Heat IQ for a free survey to see what the best type of heating control or new boiler would work for you.


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