Russia’s Remote Yakutia Region Hit minus 67 Degrees Celsius This Month

Locals within the Yakutia region understand the importance of dressing for the weather and making sure they keep every last bit of heat within their homes. Whilst the temperatures within the UK are nowhere near as severe as Russia, we could learn a lot of lessons from how locals continue to thrive in environments which regularly see minus 60 degrees during winter.

During winter in the Yakutia region, no-one goes outside unless that have to – even spending five to ten minutes outdoors can cause severe fatigue, painful stinging in the face and long lasting aches in the extremities When they do venture out, locals say that it can take up to 15 minutes to get sufficient layers of clothing on to ensure they are well wrapped up. Fur coats and hats are the prized possessions of many residents and banks offer mortgages to locals in order for them to purchase a fur coat which can cost more than £1,000.

Many of the heating systems within people’s homes are powered by a communal main heating system, and it is only when you travel to more remote areas that many residents have individual boiler and central heating systems.

Housing, just like the rest of the world, can differ quite drastically. From houses built from mud, dung and birch logs to apartment blocks, residents are looking for the same thing – warmth. Whether it is a communal heating system or an individual one, many homes also feature a large stove to provide additional heat during the winter months. In addition to this, residents try as hard as they can to insulate and draught proof their homes to prevent the freezing draughts from entering their property and the heat from escaping.

h3>So what can we learn from the residents of Yakutia?

Although the temperatures haven’t exactly plummeted to the same levels as those reached in Yakutia, we still want to make the most of a nice warm home. Here are some simple things to consider to keep the warmth within our homes –

  • Draught proof your doors, windows and letter boxes
  • Use thick lined curtains, and make sure they’re closed on an evening when the temperatures tend to drop
  • Keeps doors and windows closed
  • Understand your heating controls and central heating system
  • Place heat reflectors behind radiators
  • Insulate your loft


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